Today is Diabetes Alert Day, the time of year where we take a minute (literally) to make sure we're on track. Take American Diabetes Association's Risk Test to make sure you're good.
Are you overweight?
Reaching a healthy weight can aid in preventing (and managing, if you already have it) prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol issues.
Do you eat healthy?
Creating a nutritious filled diet is one of the most significant and easiest ways to lower your risk for type 2 diabetes.
Are you physically active?
You have to get up and move. Find a free NickiFit class near you if you're in the Kansas City area.
What's your family history?
Your age, race, gender, and family history also play their part. Click here to learn more.
To learn more about specific, key factors to lowering your diabetes risk, take a look at one of the links below: