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In-Person Classes

​Instructions: You are required to sign up for each class you attend. Some classes have an online sign-up, and for others, you will sign up when you arrive.


For more class details and to ensure we're in session, click here to see the calendar.

Move it Monday
Commit to Fitness Challenge

Ideal for individuals who love warrior-style workouts and recognize the power of a Monday workout session.

Every Monday

6:00 - 7:00 PM​

Operation Breakthrough 3036 Troost KCMO


Ideal for individuals who want to increase flexibility, relieve stress, and increase strength and balance. Bring a mat. 

Every Thursday Morning

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Sign up at class

Irene H. Ruiz Public Library 2017 W. Pennway KCMO


Ideal for individuals who like to dance, aspire to dance, or love music and moving their bodies.   Low-impact moving options are available. 

Every Monday

6:00 - 7:00 PM

Sign up at class

Waldo Public Library 201 E 75th St KCMO


Ideal for individuals who like to dance, aspire to dance, or love music and moving their bodies.  Low-impact moving options are available. 

Every Thursday

6:00 - 7:00 PM

Sign up at class

Lucile Bluford Library 3050 Prospect KCMO

HIIT with Rashouna

Ideal for individuals who want to increase training volume and change their body with strength exercises. 

Every Tuesday

6:00- 7:00  PM

Sign up at class

Lucile Bluford Library 3050 Prospect KCMO


Ideal for individuals who want to enhance strength, flexibility, and balance. Experience stillness and movement to promote mindfulness. 

Every Thursday 

6:30 - 7:30 PM​​​

Sign up at class

Northeast Public Library 6000 Wilson Ave KCMO

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